Organizations FAQs

  • How are organizations created or updated in KFS?
  • Organizations are created and updated using the KFS Organization (ORGN) document. A common reason for updating organizations is to modify the organization information (e.g., business contact name, department address) that defaults into purchasing documents.  
  • Where can I see my organization's structure?
  • The Decision Support Report - Organization Hierarchy report (DS FIS50) illustrates the KFS organizational hierarchy. The input page requires a chart and organization code, and enables you to run it with accounts included. The report also identifies the organization type in your hierarchy as well as who is listed as the MSO for a department or department Group.

    The Organization Lookup report (DS FIS49) allows you to search for an organization by a partial name or partial ORG code.

    Note: when creating new accounts, consider where the new accounts will fit within the existing organization hierarchy.  

  • What do I need to know if I’m going to change an account’s organization?
  • If you change the organization to which an account belongs and the organization is within the same department, we recommend changing at the start of a new fiscal year instead of during the year. If changes are made during the year, you will need to run the Transaction Listing Report (DS FIS2) by each organization for the periods that account was in each organization.  

    Remember to work with your Dean's/VC's office if you are creating/changing an organization type from a Division, Department Group or Department in Levels 5 or 6.

  • What if an entire program or department is changing?
  • If accounts/programs are moving to another department within the same school/college or vice chancellor’s office, you should also review the account attributes – specifically the Annual Report Codes (ARC) for each account. The ARC is set up for specific departments and programs so, if the account is moving to a different department/program, the ARC for the account may also need to be updated. Please contact General Accounting to make that request or to get help/information to determine if the ARC needs to be changed/updated. It is also more important to make sure the organization change happens at the beginning of a fiscal year, if possible. 

    If the accounts/programs are moving to a different school/college or vice chancellor’s office, normally you should create new accounts under the organization for the new school/college or vice chancellor’s office.  You should not use the same UC Account. Contact General Accounting who will work with you to review the old UC Accounts and the Annual Report Codes (ARC) and determine what changes need to be made for the new organization.  

  • What organization types are required to review the MLR?
  • For the Management Ledger Review (MLR) purposes, the review happens either at type G (Department Group) or D (Department). For a G (Department Group), the MLR is only required at the G (Department Group) level and not at the D (Department) Level. For review purposes, you can run the MLR with any organization code but the review button will not appear for other organization types.

    Currently all active organizations of type code G (Department Group) or D (Department) will show up on the MLR regardless of account activity. If you have an organization with no activity, you should move it to a 1 (Sub-Department).

    The MLR can be run using Decision Support Report FIS404.

  • How do I change the person reviewing the MLR?
  • The organization document has an organization management tab that will display if the organization is either G (Department Group) or D (Department).  In this tab there is field called the MSO/Manager Principal Name.  This field populates who is required to review the MLR.

    To view all MSO's listed under a Level 4 organization run Decision Support Report - Organization Hierarchy (DS FIS50).

  • How do I change the person reviewing the QLR?
  • The organization document has an organization management tab that will display if the organization is either S (School/College), V (Vice-Chancellor) or R (Central Managed Accounts). In this tab you can update the following:
    > Dean/Vice Chancellor User ID
    > Assistant Dean User ID
    > Budget Analyst User ID
    > BIA Analyst User ID

    Please note that the Dean/Vice Chancellor User ID field is for informational purposes and they will not be able to sign-off on the review of the QLR.

    By default the Budget Analyst receives the quarterly reminders to complete the QLR.  If the Budget Analyst is listed as an MSO and they review the MLR, the email reminder will be sent to the Assistant Dean.

  • Can a N (Division) have accounts directly reporting to it?
  • No divisions, schools/colleges and vice-chancellor type organizations cannot have accounts directly reporting to them.
  • Can a G (Department Group) have accounts directly reporting to it?
  • Yes, G (Department Groups) can have accounts reporting to it.
  • I have an organization code that is only used for expired accounts, what organization type should it be?
  • You should set up organizations for expired accounts as 1 (Sub-Department) to ensure that the organization does not appear for review in the MLR.
  • How do I run the MLR or QLR?
  • The MLR can be run using Decision Support Report FIS404.

    The QLR can be run using Decision Support Report FIS405.