Research Affairs: Intellectual Property

Innovation Access/Technology Transfer Services provides the results of UC Davis research for public benefit, promotes the educational and research missions of the university, and obtains financial reward for the university and its inventors.

All questions from faculty, staff, or students regarding intellectual property should be forwarded to the UC Davis Innovation Access Unit, Technology Transfer Services (TTS).

  • Patent Acknowledgement
  • Any person using university research equipment or facilities or receiving funds through the university, whether or not on a paid appointment, must sign the University Patent Acknowledgement Form (PDF) as mandated by the UC Patent Policy. If a visitor from other academic, nonprofit, or industry institutions has questions or concerns regarding the Patent Policy, the Technology Transfer Services should be contacted.
  • Patents
  • The UC Patent Policy governs the ownership of patentable inventions at UC Davis. Any UC Davis employee that produces a patentable invention must disclose that invention to the Technology Transfer Services using a Disclosure and Record of Invention form.
  • Tangible Research Materials
  • Tangible research tools and materials include, but are not limited to, biological materials (such as cell lines, clones and cloning materials, DNA libraries, and growth factors), chemical compounds, organisms (such as plants, mice, etc.), diagrams, drawings, laboratory procedures, software, and analytical methods. Tangible research tools and materials should not be transferred in any manner to any non-UC entity or individual until and unless a written agreement between UC Davis and the receiving entity or individual is signed by an authorized university official at the Technology Transfer Services.  For additional information review UCD PPM 250-15, Patents and Material Transfers.
  • Copyrights
  • Ownership of copyright to expressions of original work is addressed in UC Copyright Policy. The policy applies to university employees, staff, students, and other persons or entities using university facilities or acting under contract with the university for commissioned works. Questions from faculty, staff, students, or other entities regarding copyright should be forwarded to the Office of Research. To learn more about copyrights, visit Copyrights at UC Davis and review UCD PPM 250-01, Copyrights.
  • Consulting
  • Consulting agreements between a faculty member and an outside organization may not conflict with university responsibilities under Academic Personnel Guidelines, such as obligations to disclose inventions.
  • Resources
  • Departments
    Innovation Access (Office of Research)

    UCD PPM Section 250 - Intellectual Property
    UC Patent Policy
    UC Copyright Policy
    UC Patent rights, agreements and releases
    University Policies Regarding Technology Transfer