Ledger Review best practices.
Experiment with different sort options! If you work with Contracts and Grants accounts, sorting by UC Fund, and/or Sub Fund Group/Sub Fund Group Type could assist in reviewing multiple accounts with similar “rules.”
Drill down on organization code instead of account and you can review multiple accounts (up to 10 at a time) on a single screen by clicking on button at bottom of screen to acknowledge review.
Make sure you have a proper Separation of Duties — review the attached matrices (XLS) for suggestions on how your department can accomplish an appropriate Separation of Duties.
Review the number of accounts you manage. Run the Account Lookup (11) in FIS Decision Support (DS). If it is a very large number:
Can you consolidate or otherwise reduce/inactivate some accounts that you manage?
Can some of your accounts be re-assigned to a staff member in your departmental Dean's Office or to one of your account delegates? For example, if you are listed as the fiscal officer for 650 accounts, can you re-assign one of your account delegates to be the fiscal officer on 300 of those accounts?
Make sure all of your accounts have an active account delegate. Every FIS account should have a delegate for ALL KFS document types that is not the same as the fiscal officer. We recommend that you schedule the Account Delegate Lookup (167) in FIS Decision Support (DS) so that you can regularly ensure that all of your accounts have a delegate.
Most department-initiated KFS documents involving financial transactions (excluding Budget Adjustment and Pre-Encumbrance documents) will require a separate initiator and approver. In other words, if a Fiscal Officer initiates a document, KFS will require one of their delegates to approve that document. For documents initiated by an Account Delegate, the Fiscal Officer or another Delegate would need to approve the document to satisfy separation of duties. If a Fiscal Officer initiates a document for which there is no account delegate, they will receive a warning message advising them that a Delegate must be assigned to the account in order to submit the document. They will not be able to submit the document until a delegate has been assigned to the account.