Credit Card Receipt Document Procedures

As a best practice, we encourage departments to use a clearing account and direct the activity for both CR and Credit Card Receipt documents to that clearing account.

Once you have had the opportunity to reconcile that both components of your daily activity have posted you can further direct the activity to appropriate departmental accounts using a DI (distribution of income) on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.


  1. The Credit Card Receipt (CCR) document will arrive in the KFS Action List of the pre-specified workgroup members for that particular credit card merchant. Only those members in the workgroup will receive and can modify the CCR document. Open the CCR document from your Action List.
  2. Enter a Description in the header area (this text will appear on FIS Decision Support reports and can be used in a document search).
  3. Enter tracking information in the Organization Document Number field (optional, but this text appears on FIS Decision Support reports and can be used on the Document Search screen).
  4. Enter an explanation for your document in the Explanation field. This field should include additional information as to why the credit distribution is taking place.
  5. The Credit Card Receipts section is read-only and identifies the object code (which identifies the type of credit card used: Visa, MasterCard, etc), transaction date, merchant number, and transaction reference number.
  6. In the Accounting Lines section, the default Chart, Account, Object, and Amount are identified. You can modify any of these fields and/or add additional information in any of the optional fields.
  7. Enter the Line Description. This field can be used to enter a description of the transaction. The description entered on each accounting line will appear in the general ledger for that accounting line.
  8. The Reference Origin Code and Reference Document Number fields are OPTIONAL. These fields should be left BLANK, unless you are referring to a previously-created document.
  9. Complete additional accounting line(s) as needed. Make sure you click the Add button after entering each additional accounting line. Or, you can import accounting lines directly into your document. Note: The total of all the accounting lines MUST equal the total in the Credit Card Receipts section.
  10. Sales Tax: If the department has collected sales tax, the amount must be recorded by inserting an accounting line on the CCR, with the appropriate chart/account/object:
    • Davis campus (Yolo County): 3/1155100/0510
    • UCDMC (Sacramento County): 3/1155110/0510
    • For sales in other counties, contact Accounting & Financial Services Tax Services (530) 754-5936.
  11. Click the Approve button to route the document. The CCR document will automatically route to the fiscal officer(s) and any organizational reviews assigned to the account(s).
  12. Please do NOT print the Credit Card Receipt (CCR) document and send it, or any other supporting documentation (i.e., credit card settlement tapes, etc.) to Internal Control. They do not require a paper copy of the CCR or other paperwork. At UCDMC, copies of the patient receipt must still be sent to the Hospital Cashier's Office to ensure payment is posted to the patient's account.

Leave the credit on the default account

  • If no action is taken on the CCR document or if the CCR is not fully approved within 5 CALENDAR days, the credit will remain on the default account.
  • If you want to move the credit to another account at a later date, you can do so on the Distribution of Income and Expense (DI) document in KFS.

UC Davis Health Processors

Special Note for UCDMC processors: If patient money is being processed, the Hospital Cashier's Office recommends that the Credit Card Receipt document or Distribution of Income and Expense (DI) document be processed as soon as possible (daily, if possible).

NOTE: If a credit card transaction has issued a credit back to the customer, the amount will appear in parentheses () and the object code will be 006R (Contra Income). The amount in parentheses will actually be a DEBIT to the department. If moving this debit to another account, please use object code 006R and enter the dollar amount as a negative value.